Category: Homeowners Insurance

  • Homeowners Insurance Companies Adjust to Holder Relocations

    Most homeowners insurance companies in the U.S. opt to cancel a client's policy if they found that the client is not occupying the property for which the insurance was acquired. However, the growing number of foreclosures and the increasing unemployment rates have resulted in more homeowners relocating to other places which means more policyholders are…

  • Homeowner Insurance Buying Advice from Insurance Institute

    You may already have applied several recommended ways to cut your homeowner insurance costs, but check the following tips from the Insurance Information Institute. You may find additional strategies to reduce your home insurance premiums or get more features to protect yourself from losses in case of disasters. It is most probable also that you…

  • Homeowners Insurance Policies Cover Different Perils

    Homeowners insurance policies cover different perils so you need to make sure that all the possible perils in your location are covered by your home insurance policy. If there is a peril in your state that is not covered by your policy, you need to call your insurance agent or your insurance firm about why…

  • Home Insurance Reduces Your Stress During Wildfires

    Keep yourself and your family from being homeless in the off chance that your house is destroyed by a wildfire. Get a homeowners insurance. Each year, an average of 100,000 wildland fires burn millions of acres of land across the U.S., according to the Institute for Business and Home Safety. In the one-year-period to November…