Category: Home Insurance

  • Insurance Company That Eliminates Middleman Costs

    An insurance company making efforts to eliminate middleman costs is worth evaluating. Take a look at insurance firms marketing homeowners insurance directly to consumers through various methods. They could be mailing you written materials, emailing you or calling you so you can deal directly with them and thereby reduce your premium costs. If you are…

  • Get Extra Jewelry Insurance from Nationwide Insurance Companies

    A lot of homeowners do not realize that standard homeowner insurance policies issued by nationwide insurance companies do not automatically cover every little piece of jewelry they own in the event that they get stolen. In order to avoid being in a situation where the insurance carrier refuses to pay for the entire cost of…

  • Find House Insurance That Covers All Your Possible Losses

    Find house insurance that protects you from all possible losses, such as the loss of your home, loss of personal belongings, losses arising from personal liabilities and losses from disasters not covered by standard home insurance policies. A standard home insurance policy covers your house and its contents in case of damage, theft and losses…

  • Find Home Insurance That Offers Replacement-Cost Coverage

    If you are still looking for a homeowner insurance policy, find home insurance that provides replacement-cost coverage for both your house and its contents. If you already have a policy, check it and make sure it uses the replacement-cost method when calculating the amount of claims after your house and its contents are damaged or…

  • Survey: Shop Smart to Avail of the Best Real Estate Insurance

    A survey conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center revealed that a lot of policyholders are not satisfied with their current real insurance carrier and do not believe that they will be there for them in times of catastrophes. In addition to this, it was also found that many consumers believe that excellent home…

  • The Importance of Unoccupied House Insurance

    If you own real estate properties such as vacation houses, you should make sure that these are all protected by getting unoccupied house insurance. It is best if you ask around for different options you can have as you look for this particular house insurance coverage. To be considered as unoccupied, a house should be…

  • How to Effectively Save on Your House Insurance

    During this time, people are constantly looking for ways on how they can save money. Some are even considering taking away their house insurance just to save themselves some cash. However, this is a bad move. You have to ensure that your house is protected. If something happens, you would have more to pay for…

  • House Insurance Coverage Types

    Getting house insurance is important for every homeowner. However, before you get your insurance, it is important that you determine which kind you need. Basically, there are two kinds. The first one is the buildings insurance. This kind insures the permanent fixtures of your house. The second kind is the contents insurance. This type protects…

  • Home Insurance to Include Fire Fighting Fee

    As Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger repeated his call for a solution on a budget that would not need to charge for higher taxes, he and his blue-ribbon fire task force said to lawmakers that there should be an emergency surcharge on home insurance policies. According to Schwarzenegger, all year there are a lot of fires that…

  • Home Insurance Cancelled Because of Broken Window

    A homeowner from Cape Coral got a letter that says her home insurance is cancelled because she is not able to maintain her house properly. The letter pointed out to a crashed window that has been broken for a very few days then. Deborah Kearney thought that there was a mistake in the letter that…